Ben Rogers

Assistant Professor of Management & Organization 

Carroll School of Management  | Boston College




Google Scholar 



Meaningful Work and Life Lab

Hero's Journey Restorying Intervention 

I am interested in the meaning we draw from our work, the stories we tell about our work and lives, and how these narratives shape our experiences, relationships, and views of the world. The narratives I study are inspired by numerous disciplines (organizational behavior, psychology, mythology, education) and take a variety of forms, including archetypes about the meaning of our work roles, life stories that mirror the classic Hero's Journey, mindsets, attributions, and rituals. I am particularly passionate about studying how these narratives can be used to design effective and scalable psychological interventions to help workers - and people more broadly - to find more meaning and improve their well-being.

My work has been published in top peer-reviewed management and social science outlets, including Academy of Management Discoveries, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, and Behavioral Science & Policy. Additionally, my research has been featured in national media outlets such as Harvard Business Review, Time Magazine, Forbes, and Scientific American.

I also teach the fundamentals of organizational behavior at the undergraduate level and I have assisted in the instruction of negotiations, teamwork, and research methods for MBA and PhD students.



Chawla, N., Gabriel, A.S., Prengler, M.K., Rogers, K.M., Rogers, B.A., Tedder-King, A. & Rosen, C.C. (In Press). Allyship in the Fifth Trimester: A Multi-Method Investigation of Women’s Postpartum Return to Work. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Allyship Special Issue. [LINK]

Rogers, B.A., Sezer, O., Klein, N. (2023). Too Naïve to Lead: When Leaders Fall for Flattery. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology). [LINK] 

Rogers, B.A., Chicas, H., Kelly, J.M., Kubin, E., Christian, M.S., Kachanoff, F.J., Berger, J., Puryear, C., Guo, J., McAdams, D.P., Gray, K. (2023). Seeing your life story as a Hero's Journey increases meaning in life. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. [LINK] 

Rogers, B.A., Christian, J., Jennings, R. & Lanaj, K. (2023). The Growth Mindset at Work: Will Employees Help Others to Develop Themselves? Academy of Management Discoveries. [LINK] 

Nault, K. A., Rogers, B. A., Sezer, O., & Klein, N. (2020). Behavioral insights for minimizing loneliness during the COVID-19 pandemic. Behavioral Science & Policy. [LINK] 

Works in Progress

Rogers, B.A., Sezer, O., Watkins, T., DeCelles, K., Zhong, C.B., Norton, M., & Hershfield, H., Title hidden while under review—Topic: rituals and well-being.  (2nd round R&R at Organization Science)

Rogers, B.A., Title hidden while under review—Topic: Workplace narratives and meaningfulness  (Revise and resubmit at Administrative Science Quarterly).

Rogers, B.A., Tedder-King, A. , Hart, E. Workplace Impacts of Cancellation Narratives. (Data collection).

Chicas, H., Rogers, B.A., Cho, Y. Mortality Salience, Work Orientation, and Exploitation (Data collection).

Ong, M., Sonday, L., Rogers, B.A., Parenthood and Meaning of Work (Data collection).